Site Tour: Portage and Main Revitalization - Part 1
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Join YCLM for an up-close look into two significant projects being undertaken at the historic Portage and Main intersection. Tour attendees will be divided up into two groups and explore both the Portage and Main Pedestrian Opening Project and the 335 Main Redevelopment (Formerly the Bank of Montreal).
Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 3:30 - 6:00 p.m, with a networking event to follow
Location: We will meet at 355 Main Street
Cost: $30 (includes appetizers at networking event, location TBD)
PPE: Steel-toed boots, high-vis vest, hardhat, safety glasses
Portage and Main Pedestrian Opening
Winnipeg's most iconic intersection, Portage and Main, will soon be re-opening to pedestrians. Pedestrians haven't been able to cross the intersection at street level since 1979. Concrete barriers are being removed at each corner of the intersection to allow for at-grade pedestrian crossing. Construction also includes modifications to existing streetlights/traffic signals, as well as various structural repairs.
Work is currently being completed simultaneously at all 4 corners of the intersection. Scheduled concrete barrier removal is currently complete. New sidewalk installation is ongoing at some corners, while other corners are in early stages of waterproofing installation, conduit/base install for new traffic signals/streetlights, as well as structural modifications. All current work is being completed within temperature-controlled hoardings to maintain construction schedule.
335 Main Redevelopment (former Bank of Montreal)
The historic building at 335 Main Street in Winnipeg is being transformed into a national heritage centre for the Red River Métis people. Acquired by the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) in 2020, this redevelopment embodies a commitment to preserving and celebrating Métis heritage, language, governance, and contributions to Canada's history. It will provide Métis citizens a place to share their stories while offering all Canadians the opportunity to learn about this rich cultural legacy.
Work is currently being done to complete selective demolition and moving into base building. Mechanical and electrical rough-ins are underway with stud framing scheduled to begin in the next few weeks.
Thank you to our Sponsors for making this event possible: