Join YCLM for a site tour of the St. Andrews Lock and Dam, located on PTH 44 approximately 17km North of Winnipeg.
The St. Andrews Lock and Dam is a Camere-style dam that regulates the level of the Red River north of Winnipeg with a fully functioning lock system in the summer months. This project includes a complete replacement/rehabilitation and widening of the concrete deck of the bridge over the lock and dam, structural steel reinforcement, pedestrian upgrades, and approach modifications. A few unique aspects of the project include archeological discoveries on both ends of the project, special environmental considerations for protected migratory species, challenging access amongst and active dam, and a bridge hoarding for concrete deck pours in winter conditions. The project is located on PTH 44 approximately 17 km north of Winnipeg.
Join us after the tour for appetizers, drinks and networking at Triple B’s - 1873 Henderson Highway in Winnipeg.
Date: Thursday, March 10 2022
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: St. Andrews Lock and Dam, 17km north of Winnipeg on PTH 44. We’ll send participants a map and parking instructions ahead of the event. Social event Triple B’s - 1873 Henderson Highway.
Cost: $25 (includes appetizers at networking event)
PPE/COVID Compliance: Full PPE (hard hat, steel toes, high vis, safety glasses) is required. Masks will be needed indoors during orientation before the tour.
Our sincere thanks to M.D. Steele for making this event open to YCLM Members